Why should I want what everyone else has?"
If there are people out there living MY dream, then that means it's possible for me too! So I've decided to test this theory out. To start living the life I want NOW. Not waiting for it to come, but accepting that it's already here. Enough with the buffering, it's time I press play. With 110,000 miles (thank you Capital One no hassle rewards card!), I'm moving out of my apartment, putting my things in storage, subletting my studio space and taking a little 3.5 month trip through SE Asia. No, I'm not trying to be Eat, Love, Pray. I'm doing this to test out my theory. To close my eyes, cross my fingers, and press play. New York, work, jewelry, my stuff, my studio, my friends, my life will all be here when I get back (I hope. Right?!)
So bye bye winter, and see you all in the spring! Keep checking in because I may put little travel treats in this blog.
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