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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Random Thought: Dog Calls

Waiting for the subway, especially late at night, is painful.  I stand around, staring aimlessly into the subway track (aka New York's massive garbage can - by the way, stop littering).  About every 5 minutes you can see the little rats running around.  They must have so much fun, like living in a jungle gym.  Then I wondered, do rats respond to whistling the way dogs do?  I know this sounds gross, because they're rats so work with me here...

I crouched down, waited for a rat to cross the track, then started whistling the same whistle I use to call Wrigley.  toot toot TOOOOOT... ... toot toot TOOOOOOOOOT... toot... toot? (I'm not very good at this).

It's been confirmed:  Rats do NOT respond to whistling the way dogs do.  
AND people give you weird looks when you're whistling to rats at 1 am.  Anyone else tried it? I'd like to know. 


Jeanette said...

I love your blog already! :) Miss you!

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